Ugly negotiating tricks

Last updated:

Sep 13, 2024

Have you ever encountered the good cop/bad cop negotiation technique? And what should you do if your counterpart uses it?

First of all, I would like to point out that this is not a technique that I recommend using in a negotiation as there are much better ways to achieve the goals you have set yourself. However, sometimes you can run into this behavior and it is therefore important to both learn to recognize this behavior for what it is and how to respond to it.

This technique is based on basic human behavior and means that, in its classic version, you have two counterparts where one is difficult and maybe even a bit threatening while the other appears friendly and reasonable. The idea is that, in order to avoid the threatening person who, no matter what you say and do, continues to be unpleasant, you should accept the suggestions made by the friendly party instead.

So what should you do if you suspect you are being targeted by this tactic? Point it out to your counterpart! If you are not 100% sure, you can always bring it up in the following way:

"It seems to me that I am negotiating with two direct opposites, almost like the old good cop/bad cop method. Whether this is the case or not, I would suggest a more productive method of conducting these negotiations as I am sure this will benefit both sides much more."

Olof Sjöberg - Ponto Group

Olof Sjöberg

Founder of Ponto Group AB

Olof Sjöberg has over 20 years of experience in the energy sector and offers extensive support in negotiation, conflict management and procurement.

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