Tips on how to manage your nervousness in a negotiation

Last updated:

Sep 13, 2024

Do you have a negotiation coming up that you are a bit nervous about? Try this tip.

We've all been there, a negotiation that, for one reason or another, gets your pulse racing. Maybe there's something big at stake or you're trying to resolve a heated conflict. Whatever the reason, there's a great way to make sure you come into the negotiation feeling less nervous and in a position to perform better.

Enlist a colleague, friend or family member to perform a rehearsal of the negotiation. Give them general instructions on how you think your real counterpart will act and then start the negotiation. It doesn't matter that they won't get everything right. The important thing is that you get a chance to practice saying out loud what you want to say. When you get stressed, it's easier to forget everything you wanted to say, but by rehearsing, you not only make it easier for yourself to remember what you want to say in your real meeting, but you also get to practice how to respond to your opponent's arguments. As an added bonus, you can also get valuable feedback from your friend.

Finally, you also get a feel for how your arguments sound when you say them out loud. As you've probably experienced at some point in the past, things don't always sound as good out loud as they do in your head.

Olof Sjöberg - Ponto Group

Olof Sjöberg

Founder of Ponto Group AB

Olof Sjöberg has over 20 years of experience in the energy sector and offers extensive support in negotiation, conflict management and procurement.

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